Ok, so I know right off hand this post appears seemingly grammatically incorrect. But honestly sometimes life really is like a box of chocolates, Russel Stover's, to be exact. You can expect milk chocolate goodness. You can read the lid and box in preparation for what you know is about to be delicious sweet goodness and then. Well, then you pick up that square or round mound of candy. Put it in your mouth and realize you just bit into the only bitter, cherry cream-filled piece in the box. So what do you do? Spit it out or chew as fast as possible and try again. Neither choice is wrong, and neither option removes the taste that has already been imparted to your taste buds. Instead of panicking, screaming yuck, and spitting, there is a life lesson present about being open to life's cherry cream-filled center. Although it may not be what you wanted at the time, sometimes life be like.... fill in whatever applies to you with the understanding that sugar is sugar, and you will get through it!